Coast Guard Special Agents Criminal InvestigatorWarrant Officer


Job Detail

Investigative and Security experts; warrant officers bridge an essential communication link between officer and enlisted.

Senior leadership and management of all personnel at the units to which they are assigned

Warrant officers serving in the specialty of Criminal Investigator will be in highly visible billets with significant interaction with numerous Coast Guard commands, federal, state, local, and international law enforcement, and intelligence agencies; are operational specialists in criminal investigations, protective service operations, operational intelligence collection, and technical specialists in the use of related law enforcement and operational intelligence collection equipment; may serve in supervisory positions at the Resident Agent and Regional Office levels of the Coast Guard Investigative Service, supervising subordinates in the conduct of criminal investigations, operational intelligence collection, protective service operations, and law enforcement liaison and task force assignments; conduct, direct, and supervise criminal investigations, protective service operations, and operational intelligence collection; process crime scenes; collect, process, and preserve physical evidence; serve as subject matter experts regarding violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and federal statues applicable to the U.S. Coast Guard; testify in civilian and military court; prepare, submit, and maintain criminal investigative and operational intelligence reports; supervise training programs; and prepare, maintain, and submit personnel and operational records and accounts; can function in a role with their assigned unit similar to the role of an executive officer of other Coast Guard operational units; possess in-depth knowledge and skills associated with the federal criminal justice system, military justice system, police sciences, criminal justice administration, intelligence operations, Coast Guard supply, administration, and personnel matters, as well as knowledge of military protocol at public and ceremonial affairs as part of Protective Service Operations.

Senior leadership and management of all personnel at the units to which they are assigned

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