Army Property Accounting TechnicianWarrant Officer

920A MOS

Job Detail

Serve as the property accounting technician in both operational and generating force units.

Able to perform the duties required for preceding skill levels; serve as the senior Property Accounting Technician in mid-level management positions; generally at the brigade/group/regiment level; positions requiring a level of independence from supervision; serve as the Assistant Division Property Book Officer, serve as the senior technician in the Reports Branch of DISCOM; provides internal and external training and technical advice to junior Property Accounting Technicians.

Performs duties required for preceding skill levels; serve as the most senior Property Accounting Technician in positions as technical advisor/analyses to commanders dealing in such complex areas as: force modernization, personnel management logistical support analysis, intergraded logistics support, project management development/analysis, logistics management and systems development.

Serves as a technician or technical manager in a narrow technical functional area, generally at battalion or lower level organizations or as one of several property book team chiefs in the DISCOM, or where property book teams are established in support of the automated Standard Property Book System; additionally, will serve in a junior position in organizations where other senior Property Accounting Technician(s) are assigned; supervises the technical aspects of unit property book records per AR 710-2; performs in both manual and automated property book accounting environments with the related functions associated with accurate property accountability; monitors and performs evaluations of subordinate supply operations per Command Supply Discipline Program and AR 710-2; conducts financial inventory accounting as applied to the Army's budgeting system; complies with appropriate regulations, forms and procedures pertaining to property books, hand receipts and other property accounting documents.

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