Army Rodman and TapemanEnlisted


Job Detail

Assists topographic and construction survey party personnel.

Must be able to perform the duties of Topographic Surveyor (82D40); serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number of unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.

Serves as Rodman and Tapeman; reads military topographic maps; removes terrain obstacles and carries surveying equipment between work sites; marks reference points with stakes and tags and records survey readings; carries, aligns and holds in position stadia and level rods, range poles, triangulation signal lamps and targets, and heliotropes in accordance with conventional hand signals or verbal instructions from surveyors; locates new or old horizontal or vertical markers for use as reference points, and for making base line measurements; measures linear distance with tapes; measures angle of slope with hand level; reads venire of level rod target and eccentricity, both horizontal and vertical, of targets and signals; performs preventive maintenance on light wheeled vehicles and other equipment utilized; must be able to perform the duties of Topographic Computer (82E20); serves as Geodetic Computer; measures time, records time values by numerical and graphical means, and employs time data in making first order computations; computes azimuth and length of long lines (over 250 miles), and computes transformation of coordinates from one grid-zone to another adjacent or more distant zone; performs azimuth computations in addition to all common astronomical computations involving application of spherical trigonometry.

Must be able to perform the duties of Topographic Computer (82E20 or 82E30); serves as chief topographic computer, or as intelligence sergeant in intelligence section of engineer topographic battalion; assigns and briefs personnel engaged in computation activities; coordinates surveying and computing activities, and performs related administrative duties; assists officers in command and staff sections in continuous appraisal of intelligence situation; collects, prepares, and distributes material and data on intelligence matters, with special emphasis on intelligence matters peculiar to topographic operations; supervises matters and intelligence activities on enemy and area of operations not under friendly control, with special emphasis on intelligence matters peculiar to topographic operations; coordinates and plans activities of computing personnel; must be able to perform the duties of Topographic Surveyor (82D40); serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number of unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action.

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