Air Force Medical EntomologistOfficer

43M4 MOS

Job Detail

Supports operational, research and training activities worldwide. Develops and administers disease vector surveillance, integrated vector and pest management, vector-borne and zoonotic disease research, and environmental programs to protect forces from vector-borne/zoonotic disease and injury, prevent damage to weapons systems and installations, and ensure the implementation of effective and environmentally sound integrated vector and pest management controls.

For award of AFSC 43M3, a minimum of 24 months of experience is mandatory in a medical entomology assignment.

Same as junior tasks.

Ensures most-effective disease vector and pest control capabilities are implemented to prevent adverse effects on personnel, weapons systems, supplies, and equipment in combat deployment, disaster relief, or humanitarian operations, and on installations. Surveys for, identifies, and recommends control measures for disease vectors, arthropod pests, and hazardous plants and animals. Develops and consults on the entomological portion of operational and educational programs for preventive medicine activities. Formulates policies, plans, and procedures for USAF pest management programs. Ensures vector and pest control operations do not present unacceptable risks to human health and the environment. Formulates integrated pest management plans and provides integrated pest management technology transfer to the field. Determines pest management certification and training requirements and assists in pest management education and training curriculum development. Advises and consults on environmental matters including but not limited to: federal, state, and municipal laws; Presidential executive orders; Congressional inquiries; effects of toxic, noxious and invasive species; and statements from activist groups. Manages the environmental impact analysis process. Formulates policy and guidance to balance our nation's national defense and environmental stewardship goals. Instructs and conducts research in medical biology. Engages in laboratory and field studies of arthropods, vertebrates, hazardous plants, and other organisms of known medical or pest importance. Investigates relationships between environment and disease-associated animals and plants. Collects, compiles, analyzes, and disseminates data on medical biology and pest control measures. Prepares comprehensive interpretive research reports pertaining to medical biology. Coordinates pest management and medical biological activities with military and civilian agencies. Maintains close coordination with DoD medical entomologists, pest managers, natural resource managers, agronomists and related professionals. Maintains liaison with public health organizations, municipal authorities, and other federal agencies concerning control of diseases or infections transmitted by animals prevalent in off-installation areas to which Air Force personnel are exposed. Represents the USAF in policy development and inter-service and inter-governmental agency cooperative positions.

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