Air Force Correctional Custody SupervisorEnlisted

8J000 MOS

Job Detail

Supervises installation correctional custody programs.

Plans, organizes, and directs installation correctional custody program. Determines requirements for personnel augmentation, facilities, space, equipment, and supplies to support correctional custody requirements. Monitors the correctional custody program to ensure effective use of support items. Plans, organizes, and monitors daily work assignments of personnel in correctional custody using established base programs and available facilities. Plans use of nonappropriated funds for equipment. Organizes and manages a nonduty training program for personnel in correctional custody. Inspects and evaluates correctional custody activities, personnel, and facilities. Assists the base commander in identifying and correcting operational deficiencies. Evaluates airmen in correctional custody for adaptability and attitude, and identifies those who require additional administrative action. Coordinates with base units to ensure program understanding and placement of personnel in productive jobs during normal duty hours. Prepares files and maintains correctional custody records. Maintains performance records on each airman in correctional custody. Prepares statistical reports and records.

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